Sunday, November 25, 2012


I don't know about you, but I really enjoyed the four days off of work I just had!

The food, the family, the time off--it was all very needed.

We spent Thanksgiving day with my mother-in-law and I am grateful that she took on the duties of hosting, making the turkey, supplying dessert, etc...

After counseling on Friday, we headed out to Indiana to spend some time with my family, and it was very relaxing, nine grand kids running around and all!  I can't say that I am looking forward to going back to work tomorrow after these days off, but I am sure my parents will be happy to have their house back...and QUIET!

My sister-in-law has been having some health issues.  She had a heart attack not long ago, just a couple of weeks.  She is young, not even 40 yet, and is still having issues with her blood pressure.  We saw her yesterday for dinner, but she was back in the ER today.  Please say a prayer for her if you would!

Last week, my doctor prescribed Ambien CR for me.  I've been on it for three nights now, and last night was the best.  I slept for SEVEN hours!  That is a LONG time for me!!  The two nights before were both about six hours.  It has been awesome sleeping at night, even though I'd rather be off of many of the medications I am on at night, but I am still having trouble adjusting to getting up in the morning.  Yet another reason I am dreading having to go back to work tomorrow!  I plan to take all of my medicine earlier tonight though, in the hope that it will "wear off" by 7AM.  We'll see...

There are only five days left for NaNoWriMo.  It seems like the month has flown by, and my book is coming along.  I really never thought I had it in me to make up an entire story.  Granted, I made up a life of deception for seven years, but that somehow seemed different.  I suppose that's because while I could pretend it was fiction, it wasn't.  This is different though.  People keep laughing at me or looking horrified when I tell them what my book is about.

Sadness and death.

Why would this surprise anyone?

Think about it.

What kind of books do you like to read?

Now think about what you would write about, if you decided to write a book.

Wouldn't you write a story that YOU would want to read?

That's where I am at.

I want to write a book that I know I would enjoy.  A book about family and tragedy, and how those involved grow and are strengthened along the way.  A good drama.  I love movies like Bridge to Terabithia, My Girl, and Little Women, to name a few.  I cried reading Anne of Green Gables, My Sister's Keeper, The Help and Mockingjay.  And I loved all of those movies and books, respectively.  I want to read something heartwarming, sad, and redemptive.  So, it just makes sense (to me anyway) that this is what I would write.

Anyway, all of that to share that with five days remaining, I stand at 41,322 words!!  I just need another 8,678 words to "win" NaNoWriMo!!  How cool is that?  I actually did it!  Though, I believe that my book will be far from over when I hit 50,000.  At the very least, I'll have a few chapters to add in.  Also, I now have two other ideas for new novels that I'll try to write during Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo next November.  Katherine hit her lowered word goal of 5,000 on "Mr. Linden's Library" and Abbey just quit writing completely.  I'm really proud of them both for attempting it, and really proud of Katherine for hitting her goal.

How was your Thanksgiving?  What are you most thankful for?

I am most thankful for The Cross, and am eagerly anticipating this first Christmas season, as Kris and I walk in complete honesty and freedom!

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