Saturday, March 20, 2010

An unreasonable fear of bridges

I hate bridges. I tolerate the ones I am used to, going in between IL and MO. This vacation though has shown me more bridges than I care to see in my lifetime. I do not know when the fear began...I just remember having the fear when I was a sophomore in high school, when I went on a mission trip to Panama. It's been a long time since that trip, but I can still remember cowering in the seat of the bus we were on, avoiding looking out the window! I can't be sure that it took a good 10 minutes to cross by bus, but I really think it was at least a 10 minute drive across. Here is a picture of *that* particular bridge. I'm citing it because the page says something about using the picture but being sure to cite it, or give credit. (

Once, I think I was only 16, I was with my dad and drove him to somewhere in Kentucky. I can't remember the details of why or where, but I know that we crossed a bridge from Indiana into Louisville KY. And I was scared and I remember my dad waking up to me crying and I don't remember it being a pleasant experience. I blame it on the bridge!

When Kris and I were dating, he found out the hard way that I didn't like bridges. He thought it'd be cool and romantic to take me across a bridge that goes into Alton IL. Granted, the bridge is a sight to see, especially at night, but what Kris had in mind and what transpired was not quite what he pictured. It wasn't awful, but he learned quickly that I did NOT like bridges. See how pretty it is...from a distance???

Whenever we go anywhere, I tend to get a little anxious on new bridges (i.e. bridges that are new to me). Yesterday, to be nice and let Kris work on a website he was wanting to create, I volunteered to drive. I drove through part of West Virginia and Kentucky. Do you know how many bridges I had to drive over?? SIX. Six bridges of various sizes and heights. After about the third one I made him take a picture of one of the bridges.

I wasn't thrilled. Knowing we would be approaching Louisville, I opted to let him drive again when we returned to the car after getting gas. All was well and we made it to the hotel in one piece fortunately!

Today however was...interesting...and I am not too happy with my husband of 10+ years. Even if it isn't really HIS fault. I still blame him!

After checking out of the hotel in Louisville, we decided to go to something called Falls On The Ohio, which is neither in Ohio nor Kentucky. It is across the Ohio River, in Indiana. Bridge #1 for the day:

I thought surely this will be the last one before we get to Missouri. We went from Kentucky into Indiana. It seemed to make sense that we would continue in Indiana to Illinois and the onto Missouri. That, however, is NOT what happened. Kris accidentally (maybe?!?) went the wrong direction, which took us over THIS bridge:

You see, this bridge took us back into Kentucky. It then stood to reason that in order to get back the direction we needed to go to get home that we would have to cross YET ANOTHER bridge. While it wasn't immediate, within 10 minutes we were faced with this:

So Kris was in a little hot water with me today. I really, REALLY don't like bridges!!!

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