Saturday, May 15, 2010

100th follower

I have made a decision.

I am ONE follower away from 100 followers! How cool is that?!? It's a milestone I never thought about before, much less believed I would achieve! I have contemplated (anyone else love that word?) whether or not I should do something "special" to commemorate this achievement. I was going to just let it pass me by, but then I started thinking that while I don't have cool product reviews I get to do and giveaways handed to me, I can make lotion! Wonderful, chemical-free lotion!

So, once I hit 100 followers, which should *hopefully* be soon, I am going to have a giveaway. I am going to make up a batch of my favorite lotion (Cool Ivy scented) and give it to not one, but TWO readers. My 100th follower will receive one 8oz. bottle and then I will hold a giveaway for the other 8oz. bottle. Sure, it's not much, and costs me little, but my husband wouldn't be too happy if I gave away an extravagant $50 Pampered Chef gift certificate! Someday my friends...some sweet day...

I don't expect the giveaway to attract too much attention outside of YOU, my wonderful readers, and I'm OK with that. It's not a 'big' deal but surely some of you will want to participate because #1. Your chances will be really good and #2. Why the heck not?!? #3. It's a great way to see if I was lying about how great this homemade lotion is, because after all, sometimes I lie apparently.

As soon as I get that 100th follower (via Google Friend), I'll get the giveaway set up and posted. It'll be a good way for me to jump in to trying another giveaway, after my somewhat flawed initial one, without having too much expense or stress on my shoulders. I'm sorry it can't be 'more' than just an 8oz. bottle of lotion for the two winners but it's something, right? And those of you who read this blog don't read it for giveaways anyway, so ADDED BONUS! :-)


  1. well looks like you have the 100th follower... I would love to try your lotion....

  2. Yay! It didn't take long either did it? Well...hopefully by this evening the giveaway will be up and you can enter! Hooray!!!
