Friday, June 12, 2009

It's late and I'm tired...

...which most likely means this will be boring rambling on my part.

We made it to my parent's house in Martinsville around 8:30pm here (7:30 STL time). I left work a little bit early, hoping to beat traffic and also get here so my parents could see the kids before they went to bed. All of those things were accomplished. My dad's side of the family is having their annual family reunion, so we are in for that.

We've missed church back home for two weeks in a row, as well as Engage. We're really itching to get back to church, now that we have found a 'home' after a couple of years of wandering from place to place. So, after the reunion, we'll head back tomorrow afternoon so that we can be sure to make it to church Sunday morning and Engage Sunday night.

So I'm testing out this blogging tool called Zemanta. I can't remember how I found out about it. I was looking at something and read a brief description. I still don't know it's full ability, but it is supposed to be able to go off of key words in your blog and suggest pictures that might 'go' with your post. Or you can type a word into the search bar, and it will pull up pictures. From there, my understanding is that you can click on the picture and it will automatically insert it into your blog. I suppose it is meant to enhance your blog. Let's test it. We'll start with my favorite band Switchfoot. So I typed that in the search bar and it pulls up pictures related to Switchfoot. Then I can click on it and it adds it to my blog. But so far, it seems like you can only add one picture per post. I'll have to look into this further.

Told you this might be boring. Maybe next time it will be more interesting.

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The Early Years: 1997-2000 album coverImage via Wikipedia

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