Thursday, July 5, 2012

Body By Visalus - is it for real?

"I'll believe it when I see it."

"The proof is in the pudding."

These are common expressions, and usually expressions I tend to live by.  Except for God.  We're told to walk by faith, not by sight so I'll go with God on that one!

But in other areas, it's hard to know for sure if something will "work".  Specifically speaking, how do you know if the next weight loss product is a fad, or something tangible?  Something that will REALLY help you eat healthy and lose weight?

Let's be real.  I'm not thin.  I'm hovering between a size 16 and 18 and I am not happy about it.  I'd love to be a size 10, the size I was before I had kids.  But my body has changed, and if I can only get down to a size 14 (or 12!!!), then I think I'll be a lot happier and feel a lot better.  Not just mentally, but physically as well.  

A week ago on Monday I decided it was time.  So I started Weight Watchers.  Not the actual part where I have to pay-thank God for amazing apps that do the work for me for free!  I'm in the right frame of mind, I'm in a really good place spiritually and in my marriage; and it's time to focus on some of these physical "issues".  Will my back hurt less when I drop some weight?  I don't know.  I hope so.  I hope that between losing weight and strength training, I can feel better physically.  And you know, we each have to get to that place on our own, when we're ready.

So, a lot of my friends have been jumping onto the Body By Vi train.  If you aren't familiar with them, I'll try to explain it simply.  I don't want to show you videos about the product and how it has worked for other people.  I want to tell you what *I* know about it.

The most popular "product" (in my opinion) is their shake mix.  You use 1-2 scoops of the shake mix and combine that with fruit, flavorings, and whatever else you can think up to make a shake.  You drink 2 shakes a day and those shakes are going to give you all the vitamins and nutrients your body typically needs on a daily basis.  This type of nutrition is really great for people like me and Kris who do NOT like vegetables. We typically do not eat them.  The kids eat (and like) more vegetables than we do.  I like a few things raw (broccoli, carrots, cucumbers).  I like one thing cooked - green beans.  It's very limited and usually with the raw veggies, I need something to dip them in.  And I can only eat green beans so many times...

All of that to say that these shakes are used as a meal replacement, and provide you with the vitamins and nutrients that your body needs.  If you're like me and you don't eat right, or you want to lose some weight, this is a good alternative.  I'm not pushy.  I'm not charismatic.  Don't expect me to be begging you to join in on this with me (though you are more than welcome to).  I'll let the "proof be in the pudding".  You can "see it and then believe it".

I haven't seen results on the scale (because I just started the shakes).  But I am willing to give this a try.  There is a 90 day Body By Vi challenge that a lot of people are trying.  You drink the shakes for 90 days and track your weight loss.  I guess there are prizes and things you can win along the way.  I don't know.  All I know is that right now, in this moment, I am really ready to lose the weight and I think that this will help me.

So, I jumped onto the bandwagon.  Is this a fad?  I don't know.  I honestly don't believe that it is.  I believe that this is a good thing and can help a lot of people achieve their weight loss and fitness goals.  Today was my first day experiencing the shakes.  No, that's not true.  I went to a tasting Tuesday night and found that they were indeed not disgusting!  In fact, they tasted good.  I tried strawberry-banana and chocolate covered strawberry.  There was no gross "dirt" taste, that I tend to associate with protein powders or bars.  The mix even SMELLS sweet!

I don't know if Visalus recommends certain types of snacks or whatever, but it isn't like you can't eat in between shakes, if you are feeling hungry.  Just make wise choices.  Fruits, string cheese, yogurt, raw veggies or low-fat popcorn...whatever you want.  It is a meal replacement.  I don't know about you, but I still tend to snack between meals and I don't think I'll be giving that up, unless I find the shakes SO FILLING that I don't need to snack in between.

After talking it over with Kris, we agreed that I could give it a try.

Why not?

It works really well with Weight Watchers.  I think the most "expensive" (point-wise) is the Butterfinger shake.  That's what I made today.  It came out to 7 points and let me just tell you, it was worth EVERY point!!  I used 2 scoops of the Body By Vi mix, 2 Tbsp sugar-free, fat-free butterscotch pudding mix, 1 Tbsp peanut butter, 1 tsp cocoa, 8 oz of skim milk and 5 ice cubes.  I used my food processor to 'blend' it, since I don't have a blender.  It worked just fine.  And it was SO good.  Beyond good, really.  It was the best dessert-for-breakfast I have ever had!  I had it around 10:30/11am and didn't start getting hungry again until around 3pm.

So, what did I do at 3pm?


But at 3:30, I made myself a banana split shake. I looked at the 'recipe' my friend Jill gave me and decided to alter it a little.  The more fresh fruit I use, the fewer points the shake will cost me (since fruit is 'free' with Weight Watchers)!  I was about to pour out the pineapple juice from my canned pineapple chunks, when I thought "Hey!  This could go in my shake!"  So, I drained off 4 oz and set it aside.

Here is what I used:  2 scoops of the Body By Vi shake mix, 4 oz of pineapple juice, 4 oz skim milk (next time I think I'll leave out the milk so that it is thicker), a packet of strawberry flavoring (since I didn't have any frozen strawberries), half of a frozen banana (note to self: peel first next time before you freeze it, idiot!), 1 Tbsp cocoa power and 5 ice cubes.  My three girls liked it, as did Kat's friend that is over today.  I just barely finished that shake and feel full.  I haven't had anything to snack on today, as I just didn't feel a need to eat anything.  I didn't even have the normal cravings I usually have.

I was skeptical to begin with about this Body By Vi stuff.  I thought it would be a lot of work.  When you read it above, it does seem like a lot of ingredients, but it literally takes less than 5 minutes to make.  And I happened to have everything I needed on hand (except for fresh strawberries).  These shakes are supposed to cost you less than $2/meal when all is said and done.  I don't know about you, but I spend more than that on meals for myself each day.

When I was eating yeast-free, it would take me upwards of an hour to prepare a meal!!  This is SO much easier (and so far I haven't had ANY issues with my stomach, which is saying a lot)!  Did I mention they are gluten-free?  This is a big one for me, since I'm not supposed to have gluten anyway.

I'm really looking forward to the 90 day challenge I have started (for myself), and helping other people realize their goals.  If you would like more information about being a part of the 90 day challenge, you can check it out on my Body By Vi webpage.  If you would like to go ahead and get started on the challenge with me, you can do so here.  If you have three friends join the challenge with you, you will get a month of "shakes" for FREE!  And I know firsthand that it is a lot easier to lose weight when you have others doing it with you!

What about you?  Have you heard of Body By Vi?  Have you used it and had success?  Do you know anyone that has?  Do you have any negative reviews about it?  Let your voice be heard!

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