Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A new blog ministry about marriage

You know, as Kris and I share our story more and God moves in and through us, I feel compelled to, at the very least, use the talents God has given me and write about what He has done in my marriage when I'm not speaking about it.

Over the last few days, I have come to believe that I am supposed to start this "writing ministry" and spin off from this blog.  So, I have begun writing in both places.  If you follow me on Facebook, this shouldn't impact you too much, because I still plan to give you a link when I have a new post up (regardless of which blog it's on).

However, if you are following me here through Google Friend Connect or via email, and you WANT to continue to see what God is doing in my marriage specifically, please follow me at my new blog Loving When It Hurts.  I have ONE whole follower right now.  Thanks Heidi!!  ;-)

The plan is to have all marriage related posts at Loving When It Hurts and everything else (kids, life, angry venting, etc...) here.  I started the new blog yesterday with an introductory post.  Then I used the post I wrote about the song "Does Anybody Hear Her?" for today.  Tomorrow "The Ugly Truth Part 1" (which some of you have already read) will go "live" on that blog.  From there on, I'll post more about my marriage and how God is healing it.  So if you like reading this blog, and you want to be a part of this new ministry with me, please consider following me over there pretty please, I'll beg if I have to.  It's really very easy, especially if you have a Google account.  You just click the Google 'Join This Site' button, log in and you're done.  If you use Google Reader, it'll show up in your feed.  Otherwise you can get new posts weekly in your email by go figure following by email!  Or just keep clicking from Facebook when I have a new post available.

So here's the scoop on the job situation.  I had an interview yesterday, for a receptionist position at a car dealership in Ballwin.  I think it went well, but I have no way of gauging that.  I won't find out anything for a couple of weeks, and the next step, if they like me, is a second interview with a hiring manager.  I got a formal rejection letter from the second call center I interviewed with.  I have received several email rejections for jobs I applied for online.  Nothing boosts the self-esteem like reading "We found other candidates who were better than you."  Seriously though, I'm still just riding the waves.  I'll get a job.  Eventually.  Or business will turn around for Kris and we'll be able to survive on one income permanently (please God, please?!?).

What are your thoughts on my new blog/writing ministry?


  1. It's probably needed, and once you get the word out, I think you will gain followers. Marriage is so dismissed these days, I pray you have success at this new venture!

    1. Thanks so much! Marriage is less than revered these days, to be sure.

  2. For religious people like Christians church marriage is very important to both couples because this the time that they will promise to God the they will live together through good times or bad times.
