Thursday, May 19, 2011

Stupid little babies

Mama’s Losin’ It

You know who make me really jealous? 

Like insanely, crazy, passionately jealous?


Like this one:

Or this one:

Or this one:

Even this one:

Just look at them!  Do they look like they have any worries or a care in the world?  Do they look like they are stressed out over money or work?  To be a baby be held (wait...I don't like to be held...) be swaddled up and kept warm.  To have my every need met, whenever I cry?  To be loved unconditionally.  To be treated with such gentleness and tenderness.  To not know the hurt and pain that comes with being an adult.  To be innocent and sweet and elicit feelings of love and adoration from everyone around me.

And babies?  Plain adorable.  So freaking cute.  They are small and helpless and can make you feel like there is a reason to live.  They are the essence of life - everything that is good and true in this world.

Stupid little babies!


  1. Man, now I'm jealous of babies too!

  2. This is such a cute post! I am a new follower from Mama Kat's workshop :)

  3. Oh so true! How I wish I didn't have to stress about money and working. Ugh!
