Tuesday, September 7, 2010

He's got me pegged!

My husband knows me very well.  He knows that last minute changes to our plans may upset me.  Maybe.  I am all about being spontaneous, if I have control over it.  However, if someone else changes my plans and I have no say in it, I tend to get insanely crazy just a little anxious.

I had traffic on the way to work today.  I then worked all day, and drove to the school to pick the kids up.  I had received an email earlier in the day informing me of a soccer meeting (for Kaleb) at 5:30pm.  I thought it was kind of annoying because his soccer practice only went until 5pm.  So I was going to have to pick my girls up at 3:30, take them home, then go back to pick Kaleb up at 5pm.  Wait around for 30 minutes, sit through a meeting and then come home.  That is how I THOUGHT my day would go.  But when I arrived at school, I saw a sign on the door reminding me that I had a Parent-Teacher Fellowship meeting at 6:30.  OK...so scratch the coming home after the soccer meeting.  Now, in addition to sitting through another meeting, I'll have my crazy 9-year-old son in tow as well!  Perfect...

So I was already thrown off and feeling just a little frazzled.  All went well with the driving around all over the place and meetings and I came home hoping to just chill out in front of the TV.  I got Kaleb in bed and gave my girls hugs and kisses.  I poured myself a bowl of cereal and it was at this time that I heard Kris turn the TV on.  Sweet!  He is going to get one of our shows going so we can sit together and just relax.  That's when I realize he has turned the Food Network on.  So I sit down with my cereal and think "Food Network is on.  I can tolerate him still working I guess..."  So I tell him "You can still work if you need to.  I'll just watch this."  The man had planned this out all along!!!  He didn't need my permission.  He was going to work anyway...and in an effort to smooth things over and make his working acceptable, he tried to distract me with the Food Network!  Did it work?  Yes.  Yes it did.

1 comment:

  1. I am the same way...get all crazy when something gets droped in my lap...wow anxiety sucks huh!
    Sounds like you have a good man there, better keep him. :) Oh and thanks soooo much for the reminder of what will happen once my kids start up school again...tomorrow! I was looking forward to it lol
